Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Lecture Series for 2013

How do people of faith talk about suicide?  For most, the subject material is uncomfortable.  Eden Health Care Services is offering a full day seminar entitled "Suicide, Faith and Spirituality, Toward a Fuller Understanding".  The featured speakers are Chris Summerville, the Executive Director of Manitoba Schizophrenia Society and Tim Wall of Klinic Community Health Centre and who is the Executive Director of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention.  Other presenters will include representatives of the faith community including native spirituality.

Mental health and a number of unfortunate incidents have been the focus of our collective attention over the past year.  To talk about the underlying causes is helpful in being able to increase the potential for everyone to be able to positively influence those around us who may be in need of our assistance.

In dealing with the issues, the Eden Health Care Services Lecture Series will be bring the faith perspective into the discussion from someone who has had lived experience of dealing with a family members death by suicide, from clinicians who in the course of their work deal with survivors and from spiritual leaders in our community who deal with families who have lost loved ones.

The Lecture Series "Suicide, Faith and Spirituality" is open to those who would benefit from information and support in dealing with mental health issues generally and suicide specifically.  Eden Health Care Services encourages pastors, leaders, care-givers and all interested to attend the seminar.

"Suicide, Faith and Spirituality, Toward a Fuller Understanding" is scheduled for Thursday October 17th at the Access Event Centre, 111 Gilmour Street in Morden, MB.  Registration is $80 per person.  Plan to attend the whole day.  Your registration includes lunch and refreshment breaks.

For more information contact:

Eden Health Care Services
Box 129, Winkler, MB
204-325-5355 / 1-866-895-2919
