Register ON-LINE now.
Each year, Eden Health Care Services hosts an event where particular interests in the mental health field are presented to the community. The purpose of the event is to spend a day with presenters who have a specialty in a particular area of interest. The Lecture Series as it has become known is a daylong workshop intended to engage mental health professionals, health care providers, social workers, those who provide pastoral care and the general public who have an interest in the material being presented.
This year the Eden Lecture Series is entitled “Creativity and the Human Spirit, Weaving a Fabric of Healing and Hope”. The day is going to be packed with presenters
and with information gleaned from lived experience and with practical application.
This year’s presenters feature:
Nigel &
Lucile Bart of Artbeat Studios in Winnipeg
to Artbeat Studio
Elias of Emotesart Studio in Winnipeg Link
to emotesart
Krahn of The Art Loft in Neubergthal Link
to The Art Loft
Joel Klassen, Music Therapist EHCS Link to EHCS Music Therapy
In addition to these primary presenters, the day will be interspersed
with guest appearance by Ted Schwartz of Ted & Co. TheatreWorks from
Harrisonburg, Virginia. Link to Ted
& Co.
Each of these people have personal stories to tell and have
found creative ways that have led to healing and hope in their own lives and in
addition, made dramatic impacts on the lives around them. The Eden Health Care Services Lecture Series
is scheduled for Thursday November 7th at the Access Event Centre,
111 Gilmore Street Morden, MB. Sign-in begins at 8 a.m. and the lectures will
begin promptly at 9 a.m. The
registration fee of $80 will include lunch and refreshment breaks.
Register by calling 1-866-895-2919 or 204-325-5355. Please have your credit card ready.
Register by e-mail at
and include your name, your credit card information or your organization’s
purchase order if applicable and your contact information. You may also click on this LINK which will
take you to a down-loadable application form that you can fill out and return
by fax or scanning and e-mailing.
You may also register on line by clicking this LINK which
will take you to a secure on-line registration location.
In addition to hearing the compelling stories from each of
the presenters, there will be a variety of art work on display throughout the
day and will be available for sale. You
will be dealing directly with the artists who have created the works being shown.