Ted Swartz is a writer and actor who has been mucking around in the worlds of the sacred and profane for over 20 years. As theologian and thespian, Ted brings a unique perspective to his craft, creating a space where these two worlds can interact. In his portrayals of Biblical characters, Ted breathes life into their stories by uncovering the humour implicit in the text. Call it "comedic exegesis." Ted is owner and artistic director of Ted and Company Harrisonburg, VA, and is the creator or co-creator of over a dozen plays.
Ted is funny. He falls off a stage better than anyone. If you know anything about his career over the past twenty years, you know he can move an audience to tears; the funny kind. You may also know he does more than funny. In the immediate years after the loss of his creative partner Lee Eshleman, funny seemed beyond Ted’s reach. In this production ‘Laughter is Sacred Space’ Ted is crazy honest about his journey from his Mennonite beginnings to his discovery of the stage. With refreshing tenderness and delightful humour, we learn of his love of baseball, his wife Sue and his boys. We find out he is a sentimental sap, a middle child, a preacher, a performer, a wordsmith and a theatre artist extraordinaire. Moments of his memoir will come to life in this show. These snapshots promise to remind us of the vulnerabilities and victories in our lives as well as the healing power of laughter and tears; the good kind. Bring a hanky.
Ted is bringing his production of ‘Laughter
Dessert Night with Ted, ‘Laughter