Vic Engbrecht is a highly sought after bass soloist and has an extensive repertoire including songs of faith which he holds most dear. His most recent recording is titled "I'd Rather Have Jesus" and will be available for purchase at the concert. Vic has sung with the Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir, The Mennonite Festival Chorus, the Winnipeg Singers, Canada's Royal Winnipeg Ballet and with Canzona while under the direction of his faither Henry Engbrecht.
Ray Giesbrecht is a graduate of the University of Manitoba and the University of Toronto School of Opera as well as having sung with CBC's "Hymn Sing". He is currently a voice instructor at Providence University College and continues an active singing career as a soloist and as the conductor of the Winkler Community Male Choir.
Loren Hiebert is a much sought after pianist in many capacities including teaching, recording and collaborative work with other musicians. Loren has earned his ARCT in both performance and teaching. He has collaborated with a number of musicians including Rosemary Siemens, recording four CD's with her. More recently, he has collaborated with the acclaimed choral ensemble "Canzona" in their recording of Germany hymns. He is also accompanying pianist with the Men's Faith & Life Chorus.
The Winkler Community Male Choir has been together since 2005 under the direction of Ray Giesbrecht. They have recorded one CD entitled "He Never Failed Me". The majority of their service has been in and around the Winkler/Morden area where choir members are resident. The men come from a collection of about ten different congregations in and around the Morden, Winkler, Plum Coulee area. They have had the pleasure of working together with the Eastman Male Choir and with the Winnipeg Men's Chorus. Each year, the choir has presented a Christmas concert and a spring concert. This year the choir has the pleasure of working together with Vic and with Loren. It also has the pleasure of having their director take the lead as a soloist with the choir having a supporting role.
This Spring Concert is intended to be a Benefit Concert, raising money for the work of Eden Health Care Services. Enns Courts in Winkler was built more than 20 years ago and has been providing good quality and quality housing at affordable rates for residents. The two building are in need of some more significant refurbishments after so many years of service and the funds raised through this concert will make it possible for the Eden organization to take on those renovations and still continue to maintain affordable rates.
All funds received during this event are fully tax deductible.
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